• 9
  • results
Service design / Subject : Leicester station
  • 2017, 
  • United Kingdom, 
    • 26
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
This survey is to identify problems about the service for users in the Leicester station. By studing service design regarding the Leicester station, this project devises improvements of service. Results from survey will be used in the project . This questionnaire is only for academic purpose.
Service design / Subject : Leicester station
Service design / Subject : Leicester station
  • 2017, 
  • United Kingdom, 
    • 1
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
This survey is to identify problems about the service for users in the Leicester station. By studing service design regarding the Leicester station, this project devises improvements of service. Results from survey will be used in the project . This questionnaire is only for academic purpose.
Service design / Subject : Leicester station
Chelsea 3 - 0 Leicester City Post match survey for /r/chelseafc. Please try to be as objective as possible! Try not to let your personal feelings for a certain player or let your opinions of them from previous seasons effect your judgement.
Chelsea v Leicester City (H) - October 15th, 2016 - Post Match Survey
Leicester v Chelsea (PL) - September 9th, 2017 - Post Match Survey
  • 2017, 
  • United States, 
    • 533
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
Post match survey for /r/chelseafc. Please try to be as objective as possible! Try not to let your personal feelings for a certain player or let your opinions of them from previous seasons effect your judgement.Also, remember that the rating for an average performance is a 6.
Leicester v Chelsea (PL) - September 9th, 2017 - Post Match Survey
Greetings. As you might be aware, City of Light Chapel Kiserian (CoLC) has embarked on the process of developing a Strategic Plan that will guide its operations for the next 5 years. As a leader at CoLC, you have been identified as a key stakeholder in this process. Consequently, we are hereby inviting you to take about 20 minutes from your time to complete this survey. The survey is anonymous, and the responses will be presented in an aggregated format. Thank you in advance for your participati...
City of Light Chapel Strategic Plan Survey for Leaders
Why do people like to migrate to cities?
  • 2022, 
  • Peru, 
    • 2
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
I created this survey to find out why people like to live in the city and not in the country.
Why do people like to migrate to cities?
Encuesta de impacto social
  • 2020, 
  • Ecuador, 
    • 24
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
A continuación te mostraré 4 opciones de nombres, te agradecería que los analizaras detenidamente y con la apertura del caso para luego responder 3 sencillas preguntas al respecto. Las opciones son CITY LUSTDARK TALECOSTA DORADAONLY DREAMS
Encuesta de impacto social
  • 2024, 
  • Poland, 
    • 1
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
Witaj mieszkańcu Night City, przed Tobą stoi niesamowita szansa dołączenia do bezpłatnego programu, który ma na celu przetestowanie nowych możliwości naszego prototypowego wszczepu słuchowego OMESO, jednakże nim przyjdzie nam takowy wszczep zamontować w twym ciele byli byśmy wdzięczni za wypełnienie poniższej ankiety w celach informacyjnych. Ankieta jest opcjonalna, ALE wypełnienie jej zwiększy twoje szanse na uzyskanie prototypowego wszczepuPodpisanie umowy jest KONIECZNE w celu zakwalifikowani...
Wellness in Nature Consultation
  • 2022, 
  • United Kingdom, 
    • 31
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
Peace of Green CIC are hoping to secure funding to run two outdoor wellbeing groups in Leicester. We really want to hear from you about how these groups should run, so please let us know your thoughts in this quick survey. Thank you
Wellness in Nature Consultation
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